About me ...
Who I Am
I guide you from feeling stuck, stressed and with lack of direction to feeling aware and motivated as you learn practical yoga ON and OFF the mat tools how to let go of patterns that are not serving, make decisions confidently and find more clarity about your purpose in this life! I was just recently where you are today!
You don't have to be flexible to start yoga! The only thing you need to start yoga or join the yoga teacher training is your willingness to commit and do the work. When I took the leap of fate and listened to my intuition, everything changed. I quit my job as an actress and decided to commit to helping others to find their purpose and peace with their mental health!
Our Services
Started 1. jaan 1970
inbodhiyoga.comStarted 1. jaan 1970
“To the world you are one person, but to one person you are the world”.
Mul hakkasid päevad
See on väljamõeldud lugu, mis on inspireeritud noorte pärisjuhtumitest, et kõnetada noori teemadel, millest vahel võib olla keeruline oma vanemate või eakaaslastega rääkida. Raamat ei ole soovitatav alla 14-aastastele.
Platvorm noortele (ja mitte nii noortele), kes on kogenud seksuaalset ärakasutamist, vaimset ja füüsilist vägivalda. Jaga oma lugu ja kirjuta mulle või saada sõnum Instagrammis: @hastag_eionei
Platvorm noortele (ja mitte nii noortele), kes on kogenud seksuaalset ärakasutamist, vaimset ja füüsilist vägivalda. Jaga oma lugu ja kirjuta mulle või saada sõnum Instagrammis: @hastag_eionei